Sunday, October 31, 2021

November Pastors Article

                                                      NOVEMBER ARTICLE

Since the leaves this year seem to be late in changing, November may be more colorful than in some years.  However, colorful or not, November has important days in the Church Year.

November 1st is All Saints Day, a time to remember and praise God for all those who have died in the Lord and now rest from their labors. We remember also our sainthood bought by Jesus’  dying on the cross for our sins. Now as both saints and redeemed sinners we are strengthened to serve Him by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Although not a religious holiday, November 11, encourages us to give thanks for all those who have served our country in the military over the years and presently.  They have helped to preserve our freedoms, especially our freedom to worship our Triune God.

Thanksgiving is, of course, a national holiday but we in the Church take the opportunity to offer a Service  of Thanksgiving to  our Lord for all He has given us in our lives . We especially give thanks for 

God’s gift of Grace in Christ Jesus, our Savior. It’s sad that so few feel the need to attend this special opportunity.  (The service this year is Wednesday, Nov. 24th at 7:P.M.).

The First Sunday of Advent is November 28th with special orders of worship for the four weeks

pre-ceding Christmas. During this time as we look forward to celebrating Christ’s birth we also direct our thinking to His Second Coming and His coming into our hearts to assure us t of the peace that passes all understanding in this world of sin.

We hear this year that people should shop early for Christmas due to a shortage of material items for Christmas.  Yet as Christians we recognize that the greatest Gift we could ever have is the Christ Child,

our Savior, whose birth we celebrate and through Him we have the promise of eternal life.

I pray we will all look forward to and attend our Sunday morning Advent Services and maybe even our Wednesday evening Advent Bible Classes at 7P.M. (light meal at 6:15P.M.).  Take time as you share plans for the upcoming season to share your faith with others through Word and action.  Invite others to worship with you as you attend these special services. Show your faith and share it by the Holy Spirit’s power.

Rev. James W. Rhiver, Pastor


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