Sunday, August 29, 2021

Pastor's September Article


When I was a child, school always started up again in September after Labor Day. Times have changed and now most have already returned to classes –actual or virtual. In the church, we want to continue to study God’s Word so we can remain firm in our faith and grow in the knowledge of our Lord.

As Lutherans we have long been known as “a Church of Word and Sacrament.” This means that we take seriously the hearing and studying of God’s Word and understand how the Holy Spirit works through the

Sacrament of Baptism and Holy Communion.

As babies we are brought to faith by the Holy Spirit creating faith in us through Baptism. Adults learn that we receive the blessings of Baptism when we believe, then we want to be baptized as it says in John 3:16, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned.” We believe that we have participated in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Holy Communion, the effect is similar.

In the Old Testament God introduced the Passover so His people would remember their deliverance from bondage in Egypt. Each year, yet today, they celebrate the Passover with the attitude that they, too, participated in that deliverance. It was at the Passover meal that Jesus instituted Holy Communion. He broke the bread to signal deliverance from sin and proclaimed “This is My body” and had them drink the wine that signified the blood that was on the doorposts so the angel of death would “pass-over” the Israelites. He said, “…this is My blood” of the New Covenant.” He told His disciples (and us) to do this often. Through Holy Communion we are to remember that we, too, participated in His death and resurrection and are assured of eternal life through His action.

Out of love for God’s Grace through Word and Sacrament, we want to take the opportunities to praise Him often and open our hearts to the Holy Spirit so He can continue to strengthen our faith unto life eternal. Christian education is forever.

Rev. James W. Rhiver, Pastor