Thursday, September 10, 2020

September Pastor's Article


Going into the month of September always brings back memories of starting back to school as a youngster. We always started the day after Labor Day. Now, of course, schools start sometime in August. This year there is much controversy over how “school” is to be handled. Some students are in controlled classrooms, others are on-line/virtual and others are simply being home-schooled.

No matter how school is determined, our young people do need education. Thomas Jefferson once said that a democracy can only exist in an educated society, or words to that effect. We want to pray that our children get the education needed to be responsible citizens. We further pray that they receive the proper spiritual education whether in Christian schools or by Christian parents (guardians), who take their faith seriously. Scripture reminds us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom.” (“Fear” in this sense does not mean to be afraid, but rather to know Him as the source of our strength and being.)

As Christians we know the full nature of God. He is the Triune God, who has promised salvation and assured us of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus – making us His children.

Living in this world as God’s children also necessitates that we, too, follow God’s Word. This assumes that we continue to hear and study His Word in our lives – when we feel safe during this pandemic to attend church, or make an effort to read His Word, or find ways to attend church on-line or by radio, etc.

In our country we will soon be faced with elections. Here again is a place where both our secular and spiritual education comes into play. We need to pray that the right choices are made and realize that no matter the outcome, God will turn it for good as we “fear” Him.

May the Lord be with those who are starting back to school, younger or older; may He help each of us grow in the true knowledge of the Lord; and may He bless our country as we seek His will.

Pastor Jim Rhive

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