Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Special Day in May

                                                           A Special Day in May

            Most Christian churches, including Lutheran, follow a pattern in our worship schedule every year.  This is commonly called the “Church Year”.  You can find a copy of it in the Lutheran Service Book. In the “Church Year” there are various special celebrations which you are very familiar with such a Christmas, Easter, Trinity Sunday, Pentecost, etc.,   Each Sunday in fact has a designated title.  Even as Lutherans we recognize “Saints Days”, not to venerate or in any way to worship them but to call attention to their example , which we as Christians want to follow.

            Other special days remind us of events in Biblical history that are important to our faith.
One such event that is commemorated but often overlooked is Ascension Day which this year falls on May 30.  It is a “movable feast” day since it falls forty days after the Resurrection (Easter) which is also a “movable feast”.  We however will take the opportunity to celebrate it on Sunday, May 26th.

            Scripture, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, denotes that following the Resurrection, Jesus remained on earth for forty days.  During that time He showed Himself a number of times to His disciples, not only the original eleven, but to a least five hundred people.  His visible contact assured them that He did indeed rise bodily from the grave and that those who believe He died for their sins have eternal life.  This message gave them the faith to proclaim Him—the rest is history.  We are now part of His holy Christian church.

            Ascension Day was the culmination of that forty day period.  It was on that day in the sight of His followers that He visibly ascended into heaven.   As He did so He gave them (and us) the command to go, teach and baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He also promised to be with them and all believers (including you and me) until the end of time.  This is a promise in which we have assurance and certain hope.

            No matter where we are, whatever problems we have, whatever strength we need,  He is there for us, to turn all things into good as we love, trust and follow Him.  Please look forward to joining together to worship our Risen Lord on May 26th and each Sunday as we continue in the joy that is yours as a member of His Body, the Holy Christian Church.

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